
Monitoring Callbacks

These callbacks give all sorts of useful information during training.

Data Monitoring in LightningModule

The data monitoring callbacks allow you to log and inspect the distribution of data that passes through the training step and layers of the model. When used in combination with a supported logger, the TrainingDataMonitor creates a histogram for each batch input in training_step() and sends it to the logger:

from pl_bolts.callbacks import TrainingDataMonitor
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer

# log the histograms of input data sent to LightningModule.training_step
monitor = TrainingDataMonitor(log_every_n_steps=25)

model = YourLightningModule()
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[monitor])

The second, more advanced ModuleDataMonitor callback tracks histograms for the data that passes through the model itself and its submodules, i.e., it tracks all .forward() calls and registers the in- and outputs. You can track all or just a selection of submodules:

from pl_bolts.callbacks import ModuleDataMonitor
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer

# log the in- and output histograms of LightningModule's `forward`
monitor = ModuleDataMonitor()

# all submodules in LightningModule
monitor = ModuleDataMonitor(submodules=True)

# specific submodules
monitor = ModuleDataMonitor(submodules=["generator", "generator.conv1"])

model = YourLightningModule()
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[monitor])

This is especially useful for debugging the data flow in complex models and to identify numerical instabilities.

Model Verification

Gradient-Check for Batch-Optimization

Gradient descent over a batch of samples can not only benefit the optimization but also leverages data parallelism. However, one has to be careful not to mix data across the batch dimension. Only a small error in a reshape or permutation operation results in the optimization getting stuck and you won’t even get a runtime error. How can one tell if the model mixes data in the batch? A simple trick is to do the following:

  1. run the model on an example batch (can be random data)

  2. get the output batch and select the n-th sample (choose n)

  3. compute a dummy loss value of only that sample and compute the gradient w.r.t the entire input batch

  4. observe that only the i-th sample in the input batch has non-zero gradient

If the gradient is non-zero for the other samples in the batch, it means the forward pass of the model is mixing data! The BatchGradientVerificationCallback does all of that for you before training begins.

from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pl_bolts.callbacks import BatchGradientVerificationCallback

model = YourLightningModule()
verification = BatchGradientVerificationCallback()
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[verification])

This Callback will warn the user with the following message in case data mixing inside the batch is detected:

Your model is mixing data across the batch dimension.
This can lead to wrong gradient updates in the optimizer.
Check the operations that reshape and permute tensor dimensions in your model.

A non-Callback version BatchGradientVerification that works with any PyTorch Module is also available:

from pl_bolts.utils import BatchGradientVerification

model = YourPyTorchModel()
verification = BatchGradientVerification(model)
valid = verification.check(input_array=torch.rand(2, 3, 4), sample_idx=1)

In this example we run the test on a batch size 2 by inspecting gradients on the second sample.

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